Developing Digital Library

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010     Dilihat: 8


A Cases STIE Perbanas’s Library



Munawaroh, Head of Library

Santoso Mahargono, Chief of Information Technology Library



Library is the heart of an university, in consequence library have to response what is going on at its organization mains, where many universities develop e-learning.

Beside develop e-learning by universities, growing communications information technology influence management and operational library. Now, management and operational library must be plan and developed digital library to aim survives.

To plan and development digital library does not easy, many factors influencing to realizing it, among others resources and condition objective its environment. Develop digital library does not change the overall of collection form analog format into digital format, but also concerning infrastructure (hardware, software, network), library resources ( human resources, budget, commitment management), sustainable program, and the most important at users orientation. Many matters which must be gave attention to consumer orientation, among others about

· Habit and behavior in searching or exploiting information library of hard copy (printed) to soft copy (digital information).

· Condition of users economics (although equipments computer relative cheap, but the users not yet IT minded, this matter which causes equipments computer feel is costly.

· Support environmental creates information technology atmosphere, its mean adequate support infrastructures, for example amount of computer personal, accessibility, and skill of users using IT application.

With formed digital library many obtained benefit, this benefit both library users and librarian. Benefit for users, they get newest information from various sources with time quickly (especially for the information is full text). For librarian, they have standard work operational library, improvement services, and library does not require big place. Digital library also as medium to know plagiarism from academics.

The fact, libraries web of universities which developing digital collection does not all information can be accessed by public especially for information full text, information full text can be accessed only by members (its academic). Information can access public are indexes title of sources information and information activity their library. Policy of rights access is depend on each college, but if rights access the full text of local content free for public will minimize and less action plagiarism. Action plagiarism can be known early. All of web library universities, which give access full text of local content are Library of University Christian Petra but their full text cannot download. That fact which causes still is important to come to library to see full text

information especially non members academic.




STIE Perbanas Surabaya’s library is college library, where the duty is to develop collection, process, and services and the function is education, information, research, publication, deposit, interpretation, and recreation. To support the goal of institute which having global vision, and to execute information function, publication and also to response challenge growing teaching and education as form in face of information technology growth, hence STIE Perbanas Surabaya’s Library develop digital library.


Development STIE Perbanas Surabaya’s Library toward digital collection started from users need information especially journal in supporting their research, where every student obliged to look for one international journal as former research. Requirement of this users motivate librarian to look for free journal which have subject economics and business. At 1997 year old developed digital collections, its is free journal which download from internet. File article journal we kept in compact disk (CD). We have 2000 articles. Beside journal free from internet, we have been subscribed data in the form of soft copy, examples Banking Indicator, ISMD, ICMD, IHSG. Both journal and data we collect the CD from books, magazine. And at 2005 year old all of student which program skripsi to collect in the library, they must collect soft copy skripsi (digital). At 2006 year library subscribed online journal.

List of digital collection STIE Perbanas Surabaya’s Library are:

1. Indonesian Capital Market Directory

2. Indonesian Securities Market Directory

3. Banking Indicator

4. Index Harga Saham Gabungan

5. CD Books and magazines

6. CD Skripsi

7. CD Research and Dissertation

8. CD Journal Free

By increasing the number of digital collections which collected by library and to

increase use the digital collection, starting 2006 year old developed SISFO software for

operational the library.



Target developed digital library is to local preservation and repository of local content (Skripsi, Thesis, Report Research, and Dissertation) from STIE Perbanas Surabaya academic and to increase services users.



The problems arise out in development digital collections and development digital library are :


Problem fund is public secret of library in Indonesia. This problem emerge at development digital library STIE Perbanas Surabaya’s Library, but this problem we can overcome by getting grant donation from Dikti (Grant K1-2008). Where library propose Repository Data Banking and Finance ( ReBaf).

Human Resources

Library have no human resource graduates information technology. Maintenance hardware, software, network at library duty of TIK department. Library software (SISFO) development by Institut Technology 10 Nopember Surabaya (outsouching). This Limitation require time in problem handling and improvement. Beside that the number of human resources are 5 people, that is including library head. They must handling library operational. The number of collection 22.000 eksemplar with visitor mean 125 students and 95 students borrowing books every day. The limitation of human resources motivation our librarian to developing digital library by collaboration with students training in library.


Skill of users in operation computer influence exploiting of digital collection. Many users do not know how to find the sources information which correct, when they find sources information correctly, their advantages is effective and efficient in exploiting digital collection. Handling this problems, library have program training every semester about user education especially method of searching articles. We call “Metode Penelusuran Informasi Ilmiah (MPII)”.



Hardware and Network

The total of computers are 13, divided circulation, catalog online, journal online, and operational library. Frequency network in library frequency often droop.



Planning started by expand software SISFO_LIBOS for process digital collections. Software SISFO_LIBOS expandable at “Input Data” and “Indexing” including facility upload. Programming language is PHP and database is Postgre SQL.

Acquisitions digital collection is purchasing, download journal and data free from internet, scanning collections hard copy, and making regulation for collected the local content at library have to enclose soft copy.

As place digital collection services and publication, we make and develop website (www.library.perbanas.edu). In website include search with use facility online catalogue and developed facility ReBaF. Both of facilities are service digital library.

Implementation of digital library is we have done entry and upload soft copy skripsi collection, journal articles, financial statement ( result of JSX download) by using SISFO_LIBOS software : Input Data "Tugas Akhir” and Input Data " Indexing”.


Result of searching not only cover to indexing titles of skripsi, research report, journal articles, financial statement, but they will get abstract and full text. Information full text for free resources and local content. Seeking Information through online catalogue : http://www.katalog-online.sisfo.perbanas.edu. Now, software result of searching indexing still develop by team ITS.


Tools which need process digitalization are personal computer, scanner, adobe acrobat professional, its activities digitalization is scanning, editing file, save and upload.  Process scanning use Canon DR510C, result of scanning is file PDF, process scan we do at summary skripsi.

Editing file doesn’t do, because we acquisitions digital collections by born digital. We get collections from students and purchasing collections in form digital.

Upload text include entry metadata description, administration, and structural, scheme metadata which use is Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC). Upload text depend on kind of collection. Part of Skripsi which upload is summary, abstract, and full text, journal is abstract and full text (journal which we get download free from internet), Data of finance one year.

Criteria of acquisitions digital collections are base on users need, quality of contents and package, credibility of author, publisher, prices, and up to date.



Kind of services digital collections are:

1. Assistance of searching information

2. Copy file and print out digital collections

3. Computer self access students

· Online journal EBSCO

· Searing journal which subscription Education Department National (DIKTI)

· Internet

4. English Self Access Center (watching, listening, reading, test TOEFL et.al)


Developing digital library required hard work and management commitment, especially head library, because concerning big activity that is changes collection hard copy to soft copy. Transforming collection not only hard work, but also require time, personnel, and cost. Therefore required planning which adapted environment, situation and condition of library.

Development STIE Perbanas Surabaya’s Library become digital library at phase process implementation software by activity data entry and text full upload. We also prepare library web.

By developing e-library service, expected is minimize seeking information manually in library, such as which done at seeking journal articles collection, so that we improve and quality library service

The Leading Information of Bussiness and Technology

Kampus Wonorejo : Jl. Wonorejo Utara 16 Rungkut, Surabaya

WhatsApp: 085157347746

Sosial Media: @uhwperbanaslib 

Email: unit.perpustakaan@hayamwuruk.ac.id

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