

The collection of books at the Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Library is prioritized to fulfill the information needs of the teaching and learning process without compromising the functions of the university library. To maximize the utilization of the book collection, foreign language books may be borrowed but not extended. The main subject areas of books held by libraries are economics, management, accounting, business and banking.
The book collection consists of textbooks, supporting books, reference books and recreational books, both in Indonesian and in foreign languages/English.

Reference collections can only be read in place, because reference collections refer to other information. Therefore this collection should not be borrowed. The types of reference collections in the Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Library are: dictionaries, handbooks, laws and regulations, guidebooks, indexes, encyclopedias, e-mail directories, bank annual reports, prospectuses, and statistical reports.

The magazine collections they have are 40 magazine titles, and the journals collected are 27 international journals and 31 nationally accredited journals. The subjects of magazines and journals that are subscribed to by the Library are business and banking, both local, national and international accredited and popular or scientific magazines/journals.

The collections of scientific works in the Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Library are:

  • Thesis - final project for undergraduate students
  • Job Training Report (LKP) - final assignment for Diploma 3 study program
  • Thesis - the final project of the postgraduate program
  • Dissertation from a lecturer who has completed doctoral education
  • Collection of theses from lecturers / staff who continue post-graduate
  • Research Reports and Papers are the results of research by Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University lecturers in realizing the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education


  • Thesis CD: Collection of thesis majors in management and accounting majors
  • Journal CD: A collection of journals as a result of downloading on the internet and then packaged on a CD.
  • Data CD: Collection whose content is in the form of data on finance and banking (Corporate Financial Statements CD, ISMD CD, ICMD CD, Banking Indicator CD)
  • CD Taxes: CD that contains government regulations and policies on taxation
  • Book CD: CD which is a completeness of the book or a supplement to the book
  • Magazine CD: This is a supplementary CD from the magazine.
  • Video CD: A collection of CDs collected in the ESAC (English Self-Access Center) room which contains materials in English. like business in english, Top CEO biography

The Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Library also has a collection of e-Books and e-Journals derived from online subscriptions to the EBSCO database, the content contained in which is related to the fields of business and banking.

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